Stomach Pain After Bariatric Surgery With any sort of gastric operation, abdominal pain is a typical and prevalent symptom. In most situations, the stomach discomfort will fade away with time and is hardly anything to be concerned about.
However, in certain rare circumstances, where patients experience severe abdominal discomfort that, rather than diminishing, seems to intensify with each passing minute or day, it might be a sign of a post-surgical problem.
Abdominal pain with gastric sleeve operations may occur as a result of the organism’s normal recuperation process since it underwent sutures and is still adjusting to big adjustments.
This sort of discomfort is quite manageable with recommended painkillers, and it usually subsides within a few days following the operation. There is no need to be concerned about this sort of discomfort.
Besides that, if stomach discomfort worsens after the operation or occurs weeks or months later, it might be an indication of a post-surgical problem that has to be detected and handled as quickly as possible.
A few of the issues might be related to broad surgical reasons, while others could be attributable to gastric sleeve surgery’s particular complications.
Infection at the operating site is one of the causes for broad surgical reasons. The majority of surgical site infections develop in 2 to 3 weeks of operation.
After the surgery, the risk of surgical area infections is quite minimal. These would be infections that emerge within 1 month of a surgical procedure and impact the wound or tissues well inside the operative site.
Furthermore, any procedure has the possibility of bleeding. However, gastric sleeve surgery, especially, involves sewing the gut, which can result in inner bleeding and pain in the 24 days leading up to the surgical procedure.
In addition, one of the gastric sleeve surgical concerns that manifests as abdominal discomfort is gastrointestinal leakage. Leakage of the intestinal lumen from a surgical connection between two empty tissues is the most dangerous form of issue that can occur following gastric bypass.
It is associated with a high risk of morbidity and death. Therefore, it is critical to discover and diagnose it as soon as possible. While some people are asymptomatic, stomach discomfort is the most prevalent sign of a gastrointestinal leak.
If you’ve had bariatric surgery and are experiencing persistent stomach discomfort, contact your health care provider right once.
Overall, abdominal pain is a typical symptom that is frequently created by your surgery’s abdominal stitches. If the discomfort does not go away within the first six weeks following surgery, inform your surgeon.
How Long Does Abdominal Pain Last After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Many people wonder, “How long does abdominal pain after gastric sleeve?” The answer is different for everyone. Some experience moderate to severe pain, while others have no pain at all. This pain is likely due to the anesthesia wearing off, while others have more moderate pain.
If you’re worried about your postoperative discomfort, it’s best to communicate it with your healthcare team so they can monitor your pain level and provide you with medication as needed.
The first few days after gastric sleeve surgery may be difficult, but the pain will eventually diminish. Some patients find it helpful to walk short distances or change positions in bed. Exercise is also helpful as it improves circulation and discourages blood clots.
After the procedure, you should begin following a special diet recommended by your surgeon. For the first week, your diet will consist of mostly liquids. It’s best to stay away from chunky soups during this period to prevent further discomfort.
The first few weeks after gastric sleeve surgery can be difficult. The recovery process may take several weeks, but overall, abdominal pain can last a month to a year. You may need to change your diet to lose more weight. If you have lost weight before, a liquid diet may be helpful.
This will help your body adjust to this new way of eating. During this time, your body will start releasing hormones that reduce your appetite. This will kickstart your weight loss.
Is It Normal to Have Stomach Pain After a Gastric Sleeve?
After a gastric sleeve procedure, stomach pain is typical as the body recovers from the procedure. The incisions, dietary changes, and the body acclimating to the new stomach size can all contribute to the pain. It is crucial to adhere to the post-operative instructions given by the surgeon, take any painkillers prescribed as directed, and get as much rest as you can during the healing process. However, it’s crucial to get in touch with the surgeon for additional guidance and assessment if the pain persists or if it’s accompanied by other symptoms like a fever.