How long are you out of work after gastric sleeve? The time of return to work after gastric sleeve surgery varies depending on the technique used during the operation. Considerations such as a large abdominal incision or the absence of pain are effective in returning to work early.
The absence of a cut in the abdomen accelerates recovery and does not affect a person’s social life in too many negative ways. Again, due to the fact that the pains are moderate, the patient does not have to lie at home for weeks.
There are some points that need to be considered for working life after stomach reduction surgery. One of the most important criteria for an early return to work is a person’s working conditions.
If he works as a desk assistant in an office environment, the rest period at home is limited to a week, and if he feels well and passes the doctor’s approval, he can continue his work where he left off.
If it is the opposite and the person spends long hours in physical work under rather severe conditions, the period of returning to work is extended to a month.
The reason is not to leave permanent damage on your body. It will take time to regain the former strength and fully adapt to the process of nutrition. Therefore, one should be patient and adapt oneself to complete recovery.
Gastric sleeve surgery is performed by laparoscopic method. During the operation, part of the stomach is permanently removed. Thus, the volume of the stomach becomes smaller. The return to work after gastric sleeve surgery depends entirely on the individual’s work conditions and the approval of the physician.
If a person works in an office environment, a week’s rest will be enough for him to start working, but it will take a month for the patient who works in heavy and mobile jobs to take over his job. The main thing is that he does not tire himself when he gets back to work, he does not force himself.
Otherwise, serious problems may occur with the stomach or its seams may burst. This, in turn, further prolongs the recovery period.
Things to consider when starting work after gastric sleeve surgery
Fluid consumption should be increased when problems such as rapid fatigue and feeling exhausted occur during work, and plenty of water should be drunk even if there is no feeling of thirst. As in the postoperative process, it should be drunk little by little, and the drinking time should be extended.
There are no obstacles to travel, but attention should be paid to your health. If the journey takes more than an hour on land and air flights, small breaks should be made every hour and a small walk of 5-10 minutes should be made. It is also possible to stabilize the circulatory system by taking copious and deep breaths.
Any medical problems that will be encountered after gastric sleeve surgery will delay recovery and, consequently, return to work. Normally, the recommended return to work period should be 3-4 weeks later. Of course, this period varies according to the intensity of a person’s work life.
Thus, enough time will be allocated both for nutrition after surgery and for the recovery of strength. It is reasonable for individuals working in heavy jobs such as factory, mining workers to be in the of 4-6 weeks. After the operation, when it is time to return to work, the habits gained should be continued.
It should definitely be remembered that this need should be eliminated by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. There are no problems with increasing the amount. This will prevent you from feeling tired and contribute to your recovery process.
Can I Go Back to Work One Week After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
If you have undergone a gastric sleeve procedure, you may be wondering, “Can I go back to work one week after my surgery?” The answer to this question depends on the type of job you have, and the particulars of your recovery.
For example, some patients can go back to work after just three or five days, while others should wait up to four weeks. People who do physical labor should also wait at least four weeks.
Once you’ve had the surgery, you’ll likely need to take time off from work. Depending on the type of job you have, you can typically return to work after one to two weeks. Others may need longer.
It’s always a good idea to speak to your surgeon for specific advice, but you should do whatever you feel comfortable with. Taking care of yourself mentally will be the most beneficial part of the recovery process. It will help you build confidence and self-esteem.
A gastric sleeve recovery is similar to the recovery from a sore muscle. If you exercise a lot, your recovery will be faster and easier. A full recovery will require at least two weeks, but this time isn’t unusual. You should also avoid strenuous activities for the first few days. The first few days are often the most difficult.